Job hunters and school leavers may find the holiday season as the toughest time of the year to find jobs and jumpstart their career. Despite the unfavourable circumstances, Christmas remains the best time of the year to get part time Christmas jobs in Sydney or anywhere else in Australia. Perhaps, you may want to join your mates to get a job in Maccas as a service crew or become a journo apprentice at a local news agency. There is always something for you as long as you keep looking for a part time gig and never shy away from the challenges of working on the busiest time of the year. For a start, set your job search online by checking out job search portals that specialise on your own locale.
Although many retailers and service providers fill up certain positions needed for the holidays by the end of November, some businesses rely on part-time Christmas jobs to fill gap. Never lose hope of getting extra income during this time of the year because there is probably a chance that an open position for a temporary office staff or part-time studio photographer will become available for you. In fact, shopping malls need a lot of personnel to entertain a surge of holiday shoppers so there is good chance of landing part-time jobs. You may never know, a company may hire you for a full-time position because of a job well done.
When to Look
Since you may be attending parties and meeting new people, it would be a good idea to leave your business card just in case they need some with the expertise that you have. Some people may talk about job opportunities so you have to find out if they need someone like you. Don’t start your search too late, make it count. Remember, managers are already thinking how to keep the right number of personnel to handle the Christmas rush-hour shopping spree way before consumers think about doing it in the first place.
It would be a good sign to have an interview lined up by mid-November from the job applications you sent a week before. If you consider jobs in the retail, warehouse, and delivery sectors, you need to send your CVs before the third week of November. Call centre job applications have to be done earlier since a mandatory training period is necessary before getting on the job by December.
How to Look
Looking for work on Christmas is not as daunting as you think it is. In many ways, you can look for jobs from classified print ads to online banners that link to job sites. When you go online, type “Christmas holiday jobs Brisbane” on the search bar if you want to look for part-time gigs at a fastfood chain in Toowong or a store personnel at a sporting goods shop in Kangaroo Point. If you happen to walk around Manly Beach, you may stumble upon job postings for any surf instructor or lifeguard openings. Networking will also bring you a long way especially if you get to know someone looking for people to fill in their workforce.
Where to Look
The possibilities are endless if you know where to look for Christmas jobs in Perth and take the holiday season to your advantage. Start your search at job fairs, call centres, service providers, and offices. One of these industries may provide you part time jobs for the holidays. Remember to assess your skills and core competencies so that you will know what you can do. At the end of the day, finding jobs during this time of the year simply takes effort on your part.
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