Choosing Between Associate and Bachelor Degree in Nursing

There are many paths to become a full-pledged registered nurse but some nursing students are torn between associate degree in nursing (ADN) over bachelor degree in nursing (BSN). Nursing education helps nursing students with no previous knowledge and experience in this field to work in key and sensitive positions in hospitals, medical centers, and healthcare facilities.

Nursing students obtain a four-year BSN degree from a university or nursing school that is accredited by the nursing board. On the other hand, students who graduates with a two-year ADN degree from community colleges, vocational schools, and technical institutes can take the NCLEX-RN (National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses) to become a registered nurse. BSN helps prepare nursing students for a more professional role in the nursing field. Though ADN may take two years to finish, BSN provides a greater selection of nursing specializations and opportunity to enroll in graduate schools.

Both degrees do offer nursing students the knowledge and skills that they would need to do well in their career. BSN and ADN offer complete general education courses in English, mathematics, communication arts, science, and humanities.

Career choices and options may differ if you graduated BSN or ADN. Nursing graduates who took up BSN will not only get more career options, they also get higher advancement opportunities as well. BSN graduates with advanced nursing specializations get bigger salaries than their ADN counterparts.

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