Tips to Avoid Common Job Interviewer’s Pet Peeves

Job interviews are the most tense and difficult part in the job application process not only for the applicant but also for the interviewer itself. Applicants would try their best to impress their interviewer to the point of triggering their worst pet peeves. Interviewers also work hard to ascertain if the candidate fits well with the current job vacancy. When that happens, an interview would take a drastic turn for the worse even if it started really well. Even if you look for online opportunities at a job search site, you have to practice your job interview skills so that you can avoid pet peeves that interviewers hate.

If you got a call for a face-to-face, one-on-one interview, your chance of landing that dream job lies on how you handle yourself and answer the questions during the assessment process. Any bad impression that you left behind on the interview will cost you the job that you wanted to have. If you have bad habits and mannerisms, just leave them behind and never show it. Once you know what you should do and not what to do during the interview process then you will be much prepared to handle all the questions and pressures that go along with it. Here are important common job interview tips that you need to follow:

Repulsive Smell
Although we want to smell good for the job interview, using strong perfume may prove too revolting for the interviewer. Besides, an interview is not the first date that you need to impress too much. There is no need to douse yourself with signature and branded scents because a simple and appropriate smell is enough.

Silent Mode
One of the worst things that could happen on the interview is when the applicant shuts his/her mouth for good. This leaves the job interviewer exasperated because the interview is the only venue where they can assess your skills and background if it fits well with what they need. Besides, the job interview is the place where you can express and sell yourself to the prospective employer.

Voice Box
Some applicants think that you get the job by talking your way out of the interview. Not! Interviewers would want someone to listen and learn to digest what was been talked about. No one wants to hear a loudmouth, arrogant prick talking about how he/she fits well with the company. Give the other person in the room time to talk and communicate well with you. As for the questions to ask a job interviewer, avoid using slang words, street language, and other expletives.

Body Language
Improper body language is a turnoff especially if your eye contact is not focused on the interviewer. If you look shy or nervous, the interviewer will tend to interpret that you are ill prepared for the interview itself.

Lying to Impress
Some people tend to make up stories and blatantly lie in front of their interviewers just to make a favourable impression about their previous jobs and career “accomplishments.” Unfortunately, you have to lie and lie just to cover the stories that you just made. Most interviewers know how to separate from the facts from the overstated embellishments in the CV.

Getting job interviewer tips will come in handy in your long awaited job interview. Learn the ropes and avoid the mistakes.

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